Spring Roo is an open source software tool that uses convention-over-configuration principles to provide rapid application development of Java-based enterprise software. The resulting applications use common Java technologies such as Spring Framework, Java Persistence API, Java Server Pages, Apache Maven and AspectJ. Spring Roo is a member of the Spring portfolio of projects.
Roo focuses on higher productivity, stock-standard Java APIs, high usability, avoiding engineering trade-offs and facilitating easy Roo removal.
MongoDB is a leading NoSQL open-source document database,it's Written in C++, MongoDB supports document oriented storage.the other major feature includes full index support Replication and HA, optimized querying, auto sharding and GridFS support to store large files.
Added features include aggregation framework to aggregate query result on large set of unstructured Big Data.
Spring Roo now supports MongoDB persistence.In this tutorial I will demonstrate you building a test application using Spring Roo and MongoDB persistence.
1. Spring Roo installed and added to the Environment variable
2. Maven 2.2+
3. MongoDb 2.4, installed up and mongod is running on port 27017
lets open a roo console by typing roo
on the prompt execute the fallowing command in order:
now after quit from the roo console type fallowing command it will deploy and run your application on tomcat
open a web browser and access the link http://localhost:8080/roomongoapp/ your sample application is up and running now its turn to look into the mongo database.
Access the mongo console and use look for the personDB databse
inserted records are there in the database.
Roo focuses on higher productivity, stock-standard Java APIs, high usability, avoiding engineering trade-offs and facilitating easy Roo removal.
MongoDB is a leading NoSQL open-source document database,it's Written in C++, MongoDB supports document oriented storage.the other major feature includes full index support Replication and HA, optimized querying, auto sharding and GridFS support to store large files.
Added features include aggregation framework to aggregate query result on large set of unstructured Big Data.
Spring Roo now supports MongoDB persistence.In this tutorial I will demonstrate you building a test application using Spring Roo and MongoDB persistence.
1. Spring Roo installed and added to the Environment variable
2. Maven 2.2+
3. MongoDb 2.4, installed up and mongod is running on port 27017
lets open a roo console by typing roo
____ ____ ____ / __ \/ __ \/ __ \ / /_/ / / / / / / / / _, _/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ |_|\____/\____/ 1.2.4.RELEASE [rev 75337cf] Welcome to Spring Roo. For assistance press TAB or type "hint" then hit ENTER. roo>
on the prompt execute the fallowing command in order:
project --topLevelPackage com.rajkrrsingh.roomongoapp mongo setup --databaseName personDB entity mongo --class ~.model.Person --testAutomatically field string --fieldName name --notNull repository mongo --interface ~.repository.PersonRepository --entity ~.model.Person web mvc setup web mvc scaffold --class ~.web.PersonController perform package quit
now after quit from the roo console type fallowing command it will deploy and run your application on tomcat
mvn tomcat:run
open a web browser and access the link http://localhost:8080/roomongoapp/ your sample application is up and running now its turn to look into the mongo database.
Access the mongo console and use look for the personDB databse
use personDB switched to db personDB > show collections person system.indexes > db.person.find().pretty() { "_id" : "101", "_class" : "com.rajkrrsingh.roomongoapp.model.Person", "name" : "Rajkumar Singh" } { "_id" : "102", "_class" : "com.rajkrrsingh.roomongoapp.model.Person", "name" : "Sharad Singh" }
inserted records are there in the database.