HBase releases downloaded from the mirror site are compiled against a certain Hadoop version.for example,hbase-0.94.7 and hbase-0.92.2 are compatible with Hadoop1.0.x version.They wont work with the Hadoop 2.x.
If you have Hadoop 2.x version installed on your system,you need to download the HBase source and compile against the Hadoop 2.x version.
let it make it to work with Hadoop 2.x version
Download and install maven latest version
Install subversion
Checkout HBase code
Now go to the HBase directory and build an HBase tarball,use -Dhadoop.profile option to compile against the Hadoop 2.x
verify that *.tar.gz file produced in the target directory
If you have Hadoop 2.x version installed on your system,you need to download the HBase source and compile against the Hadoop 2.x version.
let it make it to work with Hadoop 2.x version
Download and install maven latest version
Install subversion
$sudo yum install subversion
Checkout HBase code
$svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hbase/tags/0.94.7 hbase-0.94.7
Now go to the HBase directory and build an HBase tarball,use -Dhadoop.profile option to compile against the Hadoop 2.x
$MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2g" $mvn clean install javadoc:aggregate site assembly:assembly -DskipTests -Prelease -Dhadoop.profile=2.0
verify that *.tar.gz file produced in the target directory