Sunday, September 4, 2011

New in Java 7

You'll be able to use String values in switch-case statements! It'll support A COMPLETELY NEW BYTE CODE -- Invoke Dynamic -- which might be used, maybe, by some other languages on the platform, some years from now after Java 7 is widely adopted. You'll be able to put UNDERSCORES in numeric literals -- like 1_345_892!!! Excitement is at an all-time-high!!!!! Java 7 has a known runtime optimization bug that is known to do crazy things, including corrupting files. Use the '-XX:-UseLoopPredicate' command line option to disable that feature/bug. Actually, this bug was present in Java 6. But it's disabled by default in Java 6, so hardly anyone used it. But Java 7 enables it by default, so *everyone* has been testing/using it, and it corrupted lots of files

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